Nama : Rajji Koswara Adiredja
NIM : 09863001
Kelas : A
1. Blog
Blog atau Weblog merupakan catatan perorangan atau mungkin kelompok mengenai yang dimunculkan secara online pada jejaring elektronik. Pada awal kemunculannya Blog hanya dipergunakan oleh kalangan tertentu karena pada saat itu membuat blog memelukan biaya yang cukup tinggi. Biaya ini digunakan untuk biaya, misalnya, pembuatan desain, pembelian domain, sewa hosting dan pemeliharaan. Jika dilakukan sendiri, pembuat blog harus memiliki kecakapan khusus, misalnya pengetahuan tentang program computer dan internet.
Pada masa sekarang ini pembuatan blog dapat dilakukan oleh siapapun karena petunjuk pembuatan blog itu sendiri sudah disediakan panduan praktis dalam berbagai bahasa yang bersifat praktis. Petunjuk pembuatan blog diberikan oleh provider dalam bentuk urutan prosedur logis dan bentuk pilihan tampilan template yang tersedia.
Jika kita tertarik memanfaatkan blog ini, langkah berikut dapat dilakukan untuk membuat blog. Pertama, buatlah e-mail anda (misalnya, di Yahoo, Google, Telkom dan lain-lain). Kedua, lakukan koneksi internet http://www.blogger.com ikuti prosedur yang tersedia.
Blog, sebetulnya, bisa dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan baik yang bersifat pribadi atau umum, yang bersifat praktis maupun akademis.
2. Matematika Binner
Pada system bilangan desimal, kita pasti akan sangat mudah menandai dan menghitung, karena memang hal ini berkenaan dengan perhitungan sehari-hari. Penulis tidak menklaim bahwa perhitungan biner itu susah, akan tetapi lebih terutama karena faktor kebiasaan saja. Sebagai contoh dari bilangan desimal, untuk angka 157:
157(10) = (1 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (7 x 1)
Sekarang kita tahu mengapa bilangan desimal ini sering juga disebut basis 10 bukan? Benar. Hal ini dikarenakan perpangkatan 10 yang didapat dari 100, 101, 102, dlsb.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, penulis akan ajak anda mengetahui bagaimana penjumlahan, pengurangan, dan perkalian bilangan biner. Konsep pengurangan biner.
3. Pemrograman
Bahasa adalah suatu sistem untuk berkomunikasi. Bahasa tertulis adalah suatu sistem berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan simbol (huruf) untuk membentuk kata. Dalam ilmu komputer, bahasa manusia disebut bahasa alamiah (natural languages), dimana komputer tidak bisa memahaminya, sehingga diperlukan suatu bahasa komputer.
• Level Rendah: Level bahasa yang mendekati level bahasa mesin, instruksi yang diberikan akan langsung dipahami oleh komputer. Pada level ini program yang diinstruksikan berupa angka angka kode heksa atau biner, contoh: bahasa mesin
• Level Menengah: Level bahasa gabungan antara intruksi mesin dengan instruksi yang mulai mendekati bahasa manusia berkomunikasi, contoh: bahasa assembler dan bahasa C.
• Level Tinggi: Bahasa pemrograman yang mendekati instruksi manusia berkomunikasi, contoh: Pascal, Delphi, Visual Basic, atau Oracle
4. Multimedia
Dapat diartikan sebagai penggunaan beberapa media yang berbeda untuk menggabungkan dan menyampaikan informasi dalam bentuk text, audio, grafik, animasi, dan video (Hernawan, 2010). Dari pengertian ini dapat dikatakan bahwa multimedia merupakan gabungan ragam gambar dan teks yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan atau informasi bagi berbagai kepentingan(misalnya, pendidikan dan bisnis).
Penggunaan multimedia baik yang berjenis stand alone maupun yang berbasis jaringan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media mengkomunikasikan, misalnya bahan pelajaran/ kuliah atau kepentingan dengan lebih menarik.
5. Internet
Internet adalah jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung ke seluruh dunia dimana di dalamnya terdapat berbagai sumber daya informasi dari mulai yang statis hingga yang dinamis dan interaktif (Hernawan, 2010). Dari definisi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa internet merupakan jaringan elektronik nirkabel yang dapat dipergunakan untuk kepentingan komunikasi dan informasi dalam berbagai bidang. Internet dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai aspek kehidupan seperti pendidikan, bisnis, sosial, hiburan dan lain-lain. Informasi dan komunkasi melalui internet ditinjau dari sisi
Friday, April 9, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Multimedia dan Internet - Introduction
Multimedia is simply multiple forms of media integrated together. Media can be text, graphics, audio, animation, video, data, etc. An example of multimedia is a web page on the topic of Mozart that has text regarding the composer along with an audio file of some of his music and can even include a video of his music being played in a hall.
Besides multiple types of media being integrated with one another, multimedia can also stand for interactive types of media such as video games CD ROMs that teach a foreign language, or an information Kiosk at a subway terminal. Other terms that are sometimes used for multimedia include hypermedia and rich media.
The term Multimedia is said to date back to 1965 and was used to describe a show by the Exploding Plastic Inevitable. The show included a performance that integrated music, cinema, special lighting and human performance. Today, the word multimedia is used quite frequently, from DVD's to CD ROMs to even a magazine that includes text and pictures.
Multimedia Applications
Multimedia has become a huge force in American culture, industry and education. Practically any type of information we receive can be categorized as multimedia, from television, to magazines, to web pages, to movies, multimedia is a tremendous force in both informing the American public and entertaining us.
Advertising is perhaps one of the biggest industry's that use multimedia to send their message to the masses. Where one type of media, let's say radio or text can be a great way to promote an item, using multimedia techniques can significantly make an item being advertised better received by the masses and in many cases with greater results.
Multimedia in Education has been extremely effective in teaching individuals a wide range of subjects. The human brain learns using many senses such as sight and hearing. While a lecture can be extremely informative, a lecture that integrates pictures or video images can help an individual learn and retain information much more effectively. Using interactive CD ROM's can be extremely effective in teaching students a wide variety of disciplines, most notably foreign language and music.
Multimedia and the Future
As technology progresses, so will multimedia. Today, there are plenty of new media technologies being used to create the complete multimedia experience. For instance, virtual reality integrates the sense of touch with video and audio media to immerse an individual into a virtual world. Other media technologies being developed include the sense of smell that can be transmitted via the Internet from one individual to another. Today's video games include bio feedback. In this instance, a shock or vibration is given to the game player when he or she crashes or gets killed in the game. In addition as computers increase their power new ways of integrating media will make the multimedia experience extremely intricate and exciting.
As we approach a new millennium, the Internet is revolutionizing our society, our economy and our technological systems. No one knows for certain how far, or in what direction, the Internet will evolve. But no one should underestimate its importance.
Over the past century and a half, important technological developments have created a global environment that is drawing the people of the world closer and closer together. During the industrial revolution, we learned to put motors to work to magnify human and animal muscle power. In the new Information Age, we are learning to magnify brainpower by putting the power of computation wherever we need it, and to provide information services on a global basis. Computer resources are infinitely flexible tools; networked together, they allow us to generate, exchange, share and manipulate information in an uncountable number of ways. The Internet, as an integrating force, has melded the technology of communications and computing to provide instant connectivity and global information services to all its users at very low cost.
Ten years ago, most of the world knew little or nothing about the Internet. It was the private enclave of computer scientists and researchers who used it to interact with colleagues in their respective disciplines. Today, the Internet’s magnitude is thousands of times what it was only a decade ago. It is estimated that about 60 million host computers on the Internet today serve about 200 million users in over 200 countries and territories. Today’s telephone system is still much larger: about 3 billion people around the world now talk on almost 950 million telephone lines (about 250 million of which are actually radio-based cell phones). But by the end of the year 2000, the authors estimate there will be at least 300 million Internet users. Also, the total numbers of host computers and users have been growing at about 33% every six months since 1988 – or roughly 80% per year. The telephone service, in comparison, grows an average of about 5-10% per year. That means if the Internet keeps growing steadily the way it has been growing over the past few years, it will be nearly as big as today’s telephone system by about 2006.
Multimedia is simply multiple forms of media integrated together. Media can be text, graphics, audio, animation, video, data, etc. An example of multimedia is a web page on the topic of Mozart that has text regarding the composer along with an audio file of some of his music and can even include a video of his music being played in a hall.
Besides multiple types of media being integrated with one another, multimedia can also stand for interactive types of media such as video games CD ROMs that teach a foreign language, or an information Kiosk at a subway terminal. Other terms that are sometimes used for multimedia include hypermedia and rich media.
The term Multimedia is said to date back to 1965 and was used to describe a show by the Exploding Plastic Inevitable. The show included a performance that integrated music, cinema, special lighting and human performance. Today, the word multimedia is used quite frequently, from DVD's to CD ROMs to even a magazine that includes text and pictures.
Multimedia Applications
Multimedia has become a huge force in American culture, industry and education. Practically any type of information we receive can be categorized as multimedia, from television, to magazines, to web pages, to movies, multimedia is a tremendous force in both informing the American public and entertaining us.
Advertising is perhaps one of the biggest industry's that use multimedia to send their message to the masses. Where one type of media, let's say radio or text can be a great way to promote an item, using multimedia techniques can significantly make an item being advertised better received by the masses and in many cases with greater results.
Multimedia in Education has been extremely effective in teaching individuals a wide range of subjects. The human brain learns using many senses such as sight and hearing. While a lecture can be extremely informative, a lecture that integrates pictures or video images can help an individual learn and retain information much more effectively. Using interactive CD ROM's can be extremely effective in teaching students a wide variety of disciplines, most notably foreign language and music.
Multimedia and the Future
As technology progresses, so will multimedia. Today, there are plenty of new media technologies being used to create the complete multimedia experience. For instance, virtual reality integrates the sense of touch with video and audio media to immerse an individual into a virtual world. Other media technologies being developed include the sense of smell that can be transmitted via the Internet from one individual to another. Today's video games include bio feedback. In this instance, a shock or vibration is given to the game player when he or she crashes or gets killed in the game. In addition as computers increase their power new ways of integrating media will make the multimedia experience extremely intricate and exciting.
As we approach a new millennium, the Internet is revolutionizing our society, our economy and our technological systems. No one knows for certain how far, or in what direction, the Internet will evolve. But no one should underestimate its importance.
Over the past century and a half, important technological developments have created a global environment that is drawing the people of the world closer and closer together. During the industrial revolution, we learned to put motors to work to magnify human and animal muscle power. In the new Information Age, we are learning to magnify brainpower by putting the power of computation wherever we need it, and to provide information services on a global basis. Computer resources are infinitely flexible tools; networked together, they allow us to generate, exchange, share and manipulate information in an uncountable number of ways. The Internet, as an integrating force, has melded the technology of communications and computing to provide instant connectivity and global information services to all its users at very low cost.
Ten years ago, most of the world knew little or nothing about the Internet. It was the private enclave of computer scientists and researchers who used it to interact with colleagues in their respective disciplines. Today, the Internet’s magnitude is thousands of times what it was only a decade ago. It is estimated that about 60 million host computers on the Internet today serve about 200 million users in over 200 countries and territories. Today’s telephone system is still much larger: about 3 billion people around the world now talk on almost 950 million telephone lines (about 250 million of which are actually radio-based cell phones). But by the end of the year 2000, the authors estimate there will be at least 300 million Internet users. Also, the total numbers of host computers and users have been growing at about 33% every six months since 1988 – or roughly 80% per year. The telephone service, in comparison, grows an average of about 5-10% per year. That means if the Internet keeps growing steadily the way it has been growing over the past few years, it will be nearly as big as today’s telephone system by about 2006.
Delphi for Beginners
What is Borland Delphi?
Borland Delphi is a sophisticated Windows programming environment, suitable for beginners and professional programmers alike. Using Delphi you can easily create self-contained, user friendly, highly efficient Windows applications in a very short time - with a minimum of manual coding.
Delphi provides all the tools you need to develop, test and deploy Windows applications, including a large number of so-called reusable components.
Borland Delphi, in it's latest version, provides a cross platform solution when used with Borland Kylix - Borland's RAD tool for the Linux platform.
Delphi's roots lie in Borland's Turbo Pascal, introduced in the mid-1980s. Object Pascal, the object-oriented extensions to Pascal, is the underlying language of Delphi. The Visual Component Library, or VCL, is a hierarchy of Object Pascal objects that allow you to design applications. A better way of describing Delphi is an Object Pascal-based visual development environment.
Delphi editions
The latest version of Delphi (in the moment of writing this chapter), version 6, comes in three different editions:
* Delphi Personal - makes learning to develop non-commercial Windows applications fast and fun. Delphi 6 Personal makes learning Windows development easy with drag-and-drop visual programming.
* Delphi Professional - adds the tools necessary to create applications with the latest Windows® ME/2000 look-and-feel. Dramatically enhance functionality with minimal code using the power and flexibility of SOAP and XML to easily integrate Web Services into client-side applications.
* Delphi Enterprise - includes additional tools, extensive options for Internet. Delphi 6 makes next-generation e-business development with Web Services a snap.
The Delphi IDE
As explained in the first chapter of this course, one of the ways to start Delphi is to choose Programs | Borland Delphi 6 | Delphi 6 from the Windows Start menu.
When Delphi starts (it could even take one full minute to start - depending on your hardware performance) you are presented with the IDE: the user interface where you can design, compile and debug your Delphi projects.
The Delphi IDE
Like most other development tools (and unlike other Windows applications), Delphi IDE comprises a number of separate windows.
The menus, toolbars
The menus, toolbars and the Component Palette
The main window, positioned on the top of the screen, contains the main menu, toolbar and Component palette. The title bar of the main window contains the name of the current project (you'll see in some of the future chapters what exactly is a Delphi project). The menu bar includes a dozen drop-down menus - we'll explain many of the options in these menus later through this course. The toolbar provides a number of shortcuts to most frequently used operations and commands - such as running a project, or adding a new form to a project. To find out what particular button does, point your mouse "over" the button and wait for the tooltip. As you can see from the tooltip (for example, point to [Toggle Form/Unit]), many toolbuttons have keyboard shortcuts ([F12]).
The menus and toolbars are freely customizable. I suggest you to leave the default arrangement while working through the chapters of this course.
The Component Palette
You are probably familiar with the fact that any window in a standard Windows application contains a number of different (visible or not to the end user) objects, like: buttons, text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes etc. In Delphi programming terminology such objects are called controls (or components). Components are the building blocks of every Delphi application. To place a component on a window you drag it from the component palette. Each component has specific attributes that enable you to control your application at design and run time.
Depending on the version of Delphi (assumed Delphi 6 Personal through this course), you start with more than 85 components at your disposal - you can even add more components later (those that you create or from a third party component vendor).
The components on the Component Palette are grouped according to the function they perform. Each page tab in the Component palette displays a group of icons representing the components you can use to design your application interface. For example, the Standard and Additional pages include controls such as an edit box, a button or a scroll box.
To see all components on a particular page (for example on the Win32 page) you simply click the tab name on the top of the palette. If a component palette lists more components that can be displayed on a page an arrow will appear on a far right side of the page allowing you to click it to scroll right. If a component palette has more tabs (pages) that can be displayed, more tabs can be displayed by clicking on the arrow buttons on the right-hand side.
Form1 window
Each time you start Delphi, a new project is created that consists of one *empty* window. A typical Delphi application, in most cases, will contain more than one window - those windows are referred to as forms. In our case this form has a name, it is called Form1. This form can be renamed, resized and moved, it has a caption and the three standard minimize, maximize and close buttons. As you can see a Delphi form is a regular Windows window.
Unit1.pas - the Code Editor window
Code Editor window
If the Form1 is the active window and you press [F12], the Code Editor window will be placed on top. As you design user interface of your application, Delphi automatically generates the underlying Object Pascal code. More lines will be added to this window as you add your own code that drives your application. This window displays code for the current form (Form1); the text is stored in a (so-called) unit - Unit1. You can open multiple files in the Code Editor. Each file opens on a new page of the Code editor, and each page is represented by a tab at the top of the window.
The Object Inspector
The Object Inspector Each component and each form, has a set of properties - such as color, size, position, caption - that can be modified in the Delphi IDE or in your code, and a collection of events - such as a mouse click, keypress, or component activation - for which you can specify some additional behavior. The Object Inspector displays the properties and events (note the two tabs) for the selected component and allows you to change the property value or select the response to some event.
For example, each form has a Caption (the text that appears on it's title bar). To change the caption of Form1 first activate the form by clicking on it. In the Object Inspector find the property Caption (in the left column), note that it has the 'Form1' value (in the right column). To change the caption of the form simply type the new text value, like 'My Form' (without the single quotes). When you press [Enter] the caption of the form will change to My Form.
Note that some properties can be changed more simply, the position of the form on the screen can be set by entering the value for the Left and Top properties - or the form can be simply dragged to the desired location.
The Object TreeView
Above the Object Inspector you should see the Object TreeView window. For the moment it's display is pretty simple. As you add components to the form, you'll see that it displays a component's parent-child relationships in a tree diagram. One of the great features of the Object TreeView is the ability to drag and drop components in order to change a component container without losing connections with other components.
The Object TreeView, Object Inspector and the Form Designer (the Form1 window) work cooperatively. If you have an object on a form (we have not placed any yet) and click it, its properties and events are displayed in the Object Inspector and the component becomes focussed in the Object TreeView.
Closing Delphi
To stop working in the Delphi IDE, you can point to the File | Exit option in the main menu. If you have made changes to the current project, you'll be asked if you want to save the changes. Since this is the first time we've done some changes to the project in this course, and we do not yet know how a project is saved and what are the options, select [No].
Borland Delphi is a sophisticated Windows programming environment, suitable for beginners and professional programmers alike. Using Delphi you can easily create self-contained, user friendly, highly efficient Windows applications in a very short time - with a minimum of manual coding.
Delphi provides all the tools you need to develop, test and deploy Windows applications, including a large number of so-called reusable components.
Borland Delphi, in it's latest version, provides a cross platform solution when used with Borland Kylix - Borland's RAD tool for the Linux platform.
Delphi's roots lie in Borland's Turbo Pascal, introduced in the mid-1980s. Object Pascal, the object-oriented extensions to Pascal, is the underlying language of Delphi. The Visual Component Library, or VCL, is a hierarchy of Object Pascal objects that allow you to design applications. A better way of describing Delphi is an Object Pascal-based visual development environment.
Delphi editions
The latest version of Delphi (in the moment of writing this chapter), version 6, comes in three different editions:
* Delphi Personal - makes learning to develop non-commercial Windows applications fast and fun. Delphi 6 Personal makes learning Windows development easy with drag-and-drop visual programming.
* Delphi Professional - adds the tools necessary to create applications with the latest Windows® ME/2000 look-and-feel. Dramatically enhance functionality with minimal code using the power and flexibility of SOAP and XML to easily integrate Web Services into client-side applications.
* Delphi Enterprise - includes additional tools, extensive options for Internet. Delphi 6 makes next-generation e-business development with Web Services a snap.
The Delphi IDE
As explained in the first chapter of this course, one of the ways to start Delphi is to choose Programs | Borland Delphi 6 | Delphi 6 from the Windows Start menu.
When Delphi starts (it could even take one full minute to start - depending on your hardware performance) you are presented with the IDE: the user interface where you can design, compile and debug your Delphi projects.
The Delphi IDE
Like most other development tools (and unlike other Windows applications), Delphi IDE comprises a number of separate windows.
The menus, toolbars
The menus, toolbars and the Component Palette
The main window, positioned on the top of the screen, contains the main menu, toolbar and Component palette. The title bar of the main window contains the name of the current project (you'll see in some of the future chapters what exactly is a Delphi project). The menu bar includes a dozen drop-down menus - we'll explain many of the options in these menus later through this course. The toolbar provides a number of shortcuts to most frequently used operations and commands - such as running a project, or adding a new form to a project. To find out what particular button does, point your mouse "over" the button and wait for the tooltip. As you can see from the tooltip (for example, point to [Toggle Form/Unit]), many toolbuttons have keyboard shortcuts ([F12]).
The menus and toolbars are freely customizable. I suggest you to leave the default arrangement while working through the chapters of this course.
The Component Palette
You are probably familiar with the fact that any window in a standard Windows application contains a number of different (visible or not to the end user) objects, like: buttons, text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes etc. In Delphi programming terminology such objects are called controls (or components). Components are the building blocks of every Delphi application. To place a component on a window you drag it from the component palette. Each component has specific attributes that enable you to control your application at design and run time.
Depending on the version of Delphi (assumed Delphi 6 Personal through this course), you start with more than 85 components at your disposal - you can even add more components later (those that you create or from a third party component vendor).
The components on the Component Palette are grouped according to the function they perform. Each page tab in the Component palette displays a group of icons representing the components you can use to design your application interface. For example, the Standard and Additional pages include controls such as an edit box, a button or a scroll box.
To see all components on a particular page (for example on the Win32 page) you simply click the tab name on the top of the palette. If a component palette lists more components that can be displayed on a page an arrow will appear on a far right side of the page allowing you to click it to scroll right. If a component palette has more tabs (pages) that can be displayed, more tabs can be displayed by clicking on the arrow buttons on the right-hand side.
Form1 window
Each time you start Delphi, a new project is created that consists of one *empty* window. A typical Delphi application, in most cases, will contain more than one window - those windows are referred to as forms. In our case this form has a name, it is called Form1. This form can be renamed, resized and moved, it has a caption and the three standard minimize, maximize and close buttons. As you can see a Delphi form is a regular Windows window.
Unit1.pas - the Code Editor window
Code Editor window
If the Form1 is the active window and you press [F12], the Code Editor window will be placed on top. As you design user interface of your application, Delphi automatically generates the underlying Object Pascal code. More lines will be added to this window as you add your own code that drives your application. This window displays code for the current form (Form1); the text is stored in a (so-called) unit - Unit1. You can open multiple files in the Code Editor. Each file opens on a new page of the Code editor, and each page is represented by a tab at the top of the window.
The Object Inspector
The Object Inspector Each component and each form, has a set of properties - such as color, size, position, caption - that can be modified in the Delphi IDE or in your code, and a collection of events - such as a mouse click, keypress, or component activation - for which you can specify some additional behavior. The Object Inspector displays the properties and events (note the two tabs) for the selected component and allows you to change the property value or select the response to some event.
For example, each form has a Caption (the text that appears on it's title bar). To change the caption of Form1 first activate the form by clicking on it. In the Object Inspector find the property Caption (in the left column), note that it has the 'Form1' value (in the right column). To change the caption of the form simply type the new text value, like 'My Form' (without the single quotes). When you press [Enter] the caption of the form will change to My Form.
Note that some properties can be changed more simply, the position of the form on the screen can be set by entering the value for the Left and Top properties - or the form can be simply dragged to the desired location.
The Object TreeView
Above the Object Inspector you should see the Object TreeView window. For the moment it's display is pretty simple. As you add components to the form, you'll see that it displays a component's parent-child relationships in a tree diagram. One of the great features of the Object TreeView is the ability to drag and drop components in order to change a component container without losing connections with other components.
The Object TreeView, Object Inspector and the Form Designer (the Form1 window) work cooperatively. If you have an object on a form (we have not placed any yet) and click it, its properties and events are displayed in the Object Inspector and the component becomes focussed in the Object TreeView.
Closing Delphi
To stop working in the Delphi IDE, you can point to the File | Exit option in the main menu. If you have made changes to the current project, you'll be asked if you want to save the changes. Since this is the first time we've done some changes to the project in this course, and we do not yet know how a project is saved and what are the options, select [No].
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